ielts speaking tips and tricks

Top 10 Tips and Tricks for IELTS Speaking

The IELTS speaking test can be a daunting experience, requiring you to demonstrate your fluency and communication skills under pressure. However, fear not! By incorporating these 10 unique and actionable tips and tricks, you can approach the speaking test with confidence and showcase your English language proficiency effectively.

1. Master the Format:

Understanding the format of the speaking test is crucial for success. The test consists of three sections: Introduction, Individual Long Turn, and Two-Way Discussion. Each section has specific tasks and expectations. In the Introduction, you’ll be asked basic questions about yourself. The Individual Long Turn requires you to speak on a topic for a short period. Finally, the Two-Way Discussion involves a conversation with the examiner on a related topic.

2. Expand Your Vocabulary:

While having a good vocabulary is important, it’s essential to go beyond basic words. Actively learning collocations – words that naturally go together – and idioms can significantly enhance your expressions. Demonstrating a wider range of vocabulary will impress the examiner and improve your overall score.

3. Practice Fluency:

Fluency is about speaking smoothly and naturally. Avoid relying on memorized phrases; instead, engage in conversations with native speakers or language exchange partners. Recording yourself speaking on various topics and listening to your recordings can help you identify areas for improvement and practice speaking coherently.

4. Think Like an Examiner:

Understanding the marking criteria used by examiners is essential. Researching these criteria will help you tailor your responses to address fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation aspects. By aligning your responses with examiner expectations, you can maximize your score potential.

5. Structure Your Responses:

Organizing your thoughts before speaking is key to delivering clear and coherent responses. Use linking words like “however,” “furthermore,” and “in conclusion” to create a logical flow in your speech. This structured approach will help you convey your ideas effectively.

6. Don't Panic on Pauses:

Short pauses during speech are natural and allow for thought organization. Avoid feeling pressured to fill every silence with unnecessary words. Instead, take a breath, collect your thoughts, and continue speaking confidently. Embracing pauses can enhance the clarity and coherence of your responses.

7. Speak with Confidence:

Confidence is crucial during the speaking test. Project your voice clearly and maintain eye contact with the examiner. Exhibiting confidence can positively impact the examiner’s perception of your speaking skills and contribute to a higher score.

8. Leverage Multiple Reading:

Before the listening section begins, take the time to read through the entire passage and questions. Underline keywords and anticipate the types of information you need to listen for. This approach will help you focus during the listening portion and improve your comprehension.

9. Be Mindful of Synonyms & Paraphrases:

Answers in the listening section may not always match the exact wording of the recording. Be attentive to synonyms and paraphrases of key information. Listening for these variations will help you identify the correct answers more effectively.

10. Practice Makes Progress:

Consistent practice is key to success in the IELTS speaking test. Utilize official IELTS practice materials, online resources, and mock speaking tests to refine your communication skills. Regular practice will build your confidence and improve your performance on test day.


1. How do I improve my speaking for IELTS?

To improve your speaking for IELTS, focus on these key points:

  1. Converse regularly: Engage with native speakers or language exchange partners.
  2. Expand your vocabulary: Focus on natural word pairings and expressions.
  3. Practice speaking on various topics: Broaden your conversation skills.
  4. Record & analyze yourself: Identify areas to improve fluency and pronunciation.
  5. Mimic native speakers: Observe and practice their pronunciation techniques.

2. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking?

 To achieve an 8.5 in IELTS speaking, aim for:

  1.  Extensive & natural vocabulary: Use collocations & diverse expressions.
  2.  Clear & logical organization: Structure your thoughts & use linking words.
  3.  Confident & natural delivery: Project your voice & maintain eye contact.
  4.  Precise pronunciation & grammar: Minimize errors and speak clearly
  5.  In-depth understanding of topic: Respond thoughtfully and provide examples.

3. How can I get a good speaking score in IELTS?

To score well in IELTS speaking:

  1. Practice fluency: Converse regularly, record yourself speaking.
  2. Expand vocabulary: Learn collocations and idioms.
  3. Structure your answers: Use linking words for clarity.
  4. Express confidence: Project your voice and maintain eye contact.
  5. Listen actively: Understand keywords and paraphrases.

4. IELTS Speaking tips for Beginners

 IELTS Speaking tips for Beginners:

  1. Practice speaking daily: Talk with friends, record yourself, or use language exchange apps.
  2. Focus on clear pronunciation: Enunciate clearly and avoid mumbling.
  3. Build basic vocabulary: Learn common words and phrases used in everyday conversation.
  4. Practice answering basic questions: Prepare simple responses about yourself, hobbies, and daily life.
  5. Stay calm and confident: Breathe, believe in yourself, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

5. IELTS Speaking tips for band 9

To achieve a Band 9 in IELTS speaking:

  1. Master fluency and pronunciation: Speak naturally, error-free, and with clear articulation.
  2. Think critically and express complex ideas: Go beyond basic responses and demonstrate deep understanding.
  3. Engage the examiner: Ask thoughtful questions and actively participate in the discussion.
  4. Use a wide range of vocabulary: Leverage collocations, idioms, and nuanced language.
  5. Maintain consistent confidence and composure: Show enthusiasm, control your pace, and avoid filler words.

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